Session Overview:

Losing weight is not meant to be confusing or hard, in fact after you listen to this free interview, you will realize it can be even faster and easier than you think! Is it really possible to lose weight WITHOUT starving and depriving yourself of the foods you really enjoy? Best-selling nutrition author David Wolfe says you absolutely can.

Contrary to what you might think, losing weight and burning fat doesn’t have to be difficult… In fact, people who lose weight and keep it off, don’t use starvation diets, struggle with motivation, take dangerous fat burning pills and supplements, or count calories. They also don’t spend hours and hours in the gym every day.

What You'll Learn In this Session:

  • Strategies to lasting weight loss and how you can use them to quickly trim your waistline and boost your energy.
  • The little known truth about weight loss and why dieting is a complete waste of your time.
  • One simple trick to boost your metabolism and allow your body to shed weight naturally.
  • What super foods & supplements ignite your metabolism to burn fat in your sleep.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this program and these presentations are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease – and is offered solely for informational purposes only. By registering for the “Holistic Weight Loss World Summit”, I fully accept any risks associated with listening to this program or following up with any of the experts involved. Any stories or testimonials presented do not guarantee similar results. Any views or opinions expressed by the presenters do not reflect the views or opinions of the Holistic Weight Loss World Summit. The Holistic Weight Loss World Summit also does not ensure the accuracy, appropriateness, or completeness of any books or other publications which may be highlighted. If you have concerns about your health please see your doctor before you make any decision on treatment for weight loss or any other health-related matter. By accessing and the “Holistic Weight Loss World Summit” you agree that in no event will Holistic Weight Loss World Summit, or any other party or person involved in creating, producing or delivering this program or any site linked to this website, be liable to you in any manner whatsoever for any decision made or action or non-action taken by you based upon the information provided through this website and/or its affiliates. Please see a qualified medical practitioner if you have any concerns related to your weight or state of health. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA


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